Marking 75 years since the Empire Windrush ship’s arrival at Tilbury Docks, this documentary in partnership with Pride of Britain tells the story of the Windrush generation – members of the generation share their stories with well-known figures including Sir Trevor McDonald, Alesha Dixon, Mel B, Judi Love and HRH The Prince of Wales as they provide a powerful and eye-opening insight into the experiences of the community of more than 500,000 who arrived in Britain between 1948 and 1971 to work in the NHS and on transport networks. The film brings together stories that celebrate the Windrush generation’s contributions to British life and culture and sheds light on the reality of the struggle that many faced to gain citizenship, something that occurred in spite of them having lived and paid taxes in the UK for many years as a result of what became known as the Windrush scandal.

Alesha & Lloyd
Trevor at Docks
Judi and POB Card
William & Alford
Factual, Documentary
TX Date
19th October 2023
Produced for